Ok, it had been over three years and nothing had happened to
this page. All the hopes and dreams of a potentially brilliant web
site were dashed by the extreme laziness of its owner. Well for those
of you who have ever been here, guess what, it is update time.
keep track of what has been updated check here.
Below is the text of the page that used to be where this one is now. It was written August 17, 1998, but it is as true today as the day it was written. I left the descriptions of what was planned for the site there, just so you could see that it once had ambitions.
- Ok the big reason I have not done anything on my page since August 1998 is a game called EVERQUEST. Say what you want but this game rocks. Probably the best links are the Casters Realm and Allakhazam's. You can find pictures of some of my characters here.
- I would also like to mention Virginia Wong. Although she is married now and is probably no longer named WONG, she actually wrote in and told me to update my page. Ok a couple of other people did too but she was the first and easily the cutest. I wish I had a mail link or something for her but I don't. Virginia, if you ever read this please send me your current email address so I can add it to the site, and some naked or near naked pictures would help too.
Welcome to my home page. This is actually the second incarnation of my home page and as such it is seriously under construction. My first web site was really just a bunch of experiments. I have great plans for this one but I don't know if they will ever come about. But they might, so watch this space.
My Old page suffered from "Web Death". A horrible
experience which the page just dies of neglect. It would call to me
late at night "You are ignoring me". And since I won't have
my pages lie, I ignored it. It finally shut up. This could be a
contributing factor to why I don't have children, pets or plants. So
if you catch me ignoring this page, mail me and I will do something
about it. I know that somewhere out there is an organization for the
prevention of cruelty to web pages, and I don't need them on my butt
as well. So, if you feel that the content should have been updated
more often than it has been, tell me, and I will slap up some schlock
to keep you quiet.
I learned quite a bit doing my old page. Life
had moved on and so have peoples expectations. I hope this page is
much cleaner and less irritating, well at least from a style point of
view. I hope to keep up the irritation factor in the content. If
their is anything you really liked about my old page, drop me a line
and I will incorporate it into this one. I will even dedicate that
section to you.
Hopefully you will see some interesting developments here soon. I
am currently writing a game and that is taking all my time. I started
off wanting to learn practical things about Java, it did that, but I
am also learning a lot about game design.
Things I have planned
for this site are
Java enabled navigator for traversing this site. About 1/2 done.
Commentaries and stories.
Interactive sections so people who visit can modify the pages within.
And of course my ever famous bookmarks page so I have my bookmarks with me where ever I go
Could happen.
For now I am just going to put up the parts from my old page that are worth keeping.
Please leave me a Mailmessage
05-MAY-2005 Added links to images
08-SEP-2001 Updated Friends
Links Page. Mostly just removed dead links
08-SEP-2001 Added
Everquest Character
04-SEP-2001 Updated Main Page (Finally).